We all love to have white teeth–that’s why we visit the dentist and buy white strips. But if you don’t watch what you eat, your efforts to keep your teeth pearly white might be in vain. There are certain foods that you should avoid in order to keep your teeth healthy, clean and white.

Potato Chips
Potato chips are a popular choice of snack, and while they may make your taste buds happy, they do not help your teeth. Chips contain starch and this is bad news for the enamel in your teeth if it is allowed to stay there. Tiny broken pieces can also get stuck between your gums. Make sure to brush and floss after you eat chips.
Sticky foods
Sticky foods like tootsies rolls, caramel, candy and dried fruit might feel and taste good when you chew, but they get stuck in your teeth and leave them open to bacteria. When you eat sticky foods, remember to drink some water to flush out any food that is stuck.
Coffee and Tea
Most people can’t picture life without these beverages, but the truth is they do pose a risk to the well being of your teeth. People often drink their coffee with sugar, which, of course, is bad for your teeth. Also, coffee and tea can stain your teeth. While you don’t have to dispense with these beverages, it is a good idea to drink water after you drink tea or coffee.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are a well known source of Vitamin C, but the downside is that they are acidic which is not good for your teeth. As usual, water is the best antidote when enjoying a fresh squeeze of lime or lemon. Make sure to drink plenty of it.
Hard Candy
Candy–particularly in solid form–should be avoided. In addition to being packed with sugar, they can also put you at risk of having a broken tooth.
You would think ice is harmless because it is simply water, but chewing ice wears your teeth and it is usually not recommended. Enjoy water in its liquid form instead.
You probably already knew that cola is bad for your teeth, not only is it full of sugar, it can also stain your teeth because of the dye ingredients in it. It’s best to drink it in moderation or, as usual, drink some water.
Blueberries are another one of those foods that are good for your body but bad for your teeth since the colouring can cause staining. Of course you should not stop eating them, just be sure to brush after. Rinsing with mouthwash can also help.
Many of these foods can be consumed in moderation, as long as you drink lots of water and brush your teeth. That way you can still enjoy the health benefits and keep your teeth white.