Over the years we do things to our smiles without even realizing it. We may smoke or grind our teeth at night. We might even drink coffee, which causes discoloured teeth. We may have cracked or chipped a tooth playing sports, and we may have a gap or an uneven gum line. No matter how old we are and what problems our mouths are plagued with, a smile makeover can help.
Are You Too Old For A Smile Makeover?:
Great Teeth are Ageless
Smile makeovers are common for people over forty because because the cumulative wear and tear starts to become progressively noticeable. There’s no right or wrong age to have your teeth fixed. If you notice any aesthetic flaws in your smile, a makeover offers the perfect tool to repair them. Smile makeovers can correct teeth that have eroded, are misshapen, and disproportionate in size compared to the other teeth in your mouth. These makeovers can also adjust crooked teeth, an uneven gum line, major gaps between teeth, and smiles that are too “gummy” (where the gums are very visible and seem to stick out).
Frown no More
Smile makeovers are great self-esteem boosters because they will make you feel more confident. If you’re someone who is afraid to smile because you are unhappy with your teeth and gums, a makeover will help you feel more secure about it.
Braces Aren’t Scary
If you’re worried that undergoing a smile makeover will entail having to wear big metallic braces, think again. There are brace options like Invisalign that are barely noticeable. Most adult braces are clear and easy to maintain, so you don’t have to stress while you’re wearing them. Plus, you will not be wearing your braces for a prolonged period of time. Depending on the current state of your teeth, you may only be wearing braces for less than a year.
Treat Disease First
We often let our oral health fall by the wayside as we get older, and although we visit the dentist twice a year, that’s not enough. Gum disease and other untreated oral hygiene issues like tooth decay and cavities will need to be treated before you can have a smile makeover. Once periodontal disease is taken care of, you’ll be on your way to beautiful smile.
You can have a perfect smile at any age. If you’re thinking of undergoing a complete smile makeover, contact Pearl Dental. Let us give you the smile you deserve, no matter how old you are.